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Radiator & Cooling Systems Service & Repair

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Radiator & Cooling Systems Service & Repair

Your vehicle’s radiator and cooling system serve to keep your car’s engine temperature within working limits. A normal engine can produce combustion temperatures in excess of 1,000° C. That’s a lot of heat to deal with. If your engine is running hotter than normal, or you find antifreeze (coolant) pooled under your vehicle, it’s probably time to stop by Cowichan Auto Repair and let one of our highly qualified mechanics take a look.

Without a properly functioning cooling system, heat levels produced by your car’s engine are great enough to damage components within the engine itself. The head gasket can blow or an aluminum head can warp. The engines itself can seize. All of these are big ticket repairs that can usually be avoided with regular cooling system maintenance.

Car Interior

You can count on Cowichan Auto Repair to help keep your car’s cooling system operating safely and efficiently and avoid preventable repair expenses. We recommend you have your coolant replaced according to your car’s factory-recommended maintenance schedule. Regular maintenance of your vehicle’s cooling system and radiator and can help avoid costly repair services, and engine overheating.

Common cooling/radiator system services include:

Cooling System Flush and Fill

Cooling System Pressure Test

Radiator Replacement

The comprehensive cooling system service also includes checking, testing, and inspecting the following:

Radiator coolant levels

Radiator for antifreeze leaks or damage

Air conditioner’s interior vent temperature

Heating and cooling system controls and blower


Cooling system pressure compared to manufacturer specifications

Air conditioner’s pressure cap


Compressor belt

  • How do I add a new question & answer?
    To add a new FAQ follow these steps: 1. Click “Manage FAQs” button 2. From your site’s dashboard you can add, edit and manage all your questions and answers 3. Each question and answer should be added to a category 4. Save and publish.
  • I hear a grinding noise when I step on the brakes. Should I be concerned?
    Whether it’s a squeal or a grind, brake noise means the brake system needs some attention. Bring your vehicle to Cowichan Auto Repair, and we’ll be happy to take a look.
  • My brake pedal feels spongy. Why?
    If you have to press the brake pedal farther or harder than usual to stop, there could be a hydraulic or mechanical brake problem. We suggest you bring your car in for a brake inspection as soon as you can.
  • How often should I change my brake fluid?
    The most accurate answer is as often as your owner’s manual suggests. Some manufacturers recommend new brake fluid as often as every two years. You also need to change your brake fluid if it contains too much copper. Copper is measured in parts per million, and the industry-accepted limit is 200 ppm. Any more than that and the fluid no longer meets design specifications and should be replaced.
  • The car pulls to the right or left when I step on the brakes. Why?
    You may have a hydraulic brake problem, a mechanical problem, or a steering or chassis issue. A thorough inspection will tell us for sure.
  • Do I have to change my brake fluid?
    You don’t have to change your brake fluid, but consider this: When the brake fluid shows signs of high levels of copper content, the additives in the brake fluid are breaking down. This increases acid levels, and causes erosion of parts and possible damage to Anti-Lock Brake System components. Today’s anti-lock brake systems are expensive – some parts cost thousands of dollars, not including labor. Changing your brake fluid protects this investment.
  • My car shakes when I hit the brakes. What's going on?
    It’s possibly a sign that your rotors need attention, but we’ll know for sure once we take a look.
  • I only have 15,000 kms on my car and my brakes are squeaking. Do I need new brakes already?
    Probably not, but whether it’s a squeal or a grind, brake noise means the brake system needs some attention. Bring your vehicle to Cowichan Auto Repair, and we’ll be happy to take a look.
  • How long do brake pads and rotors last?
    All brake pads and rotors wear down. The rate at which this happens depends on your driving style. Cars that drive in town with lots of stop-and-goes will consume brake friction material much faster than cars that drive primarily on highways. Vehicle loads are the other factor. The heavier your car is, the more braking power it requires to stop.
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